Another year, here!


Dear friends,

As you can see from my lack of posts it has been a year away from and immersed in some personal things.   I had a small health scare this year of my own and one with my mom (we both are ok) and was reminded about appreciating every day.  I adjusted to the difficulty of living without two of my three daughters home, and Spirit taught me some lessons about not spending time with people in my life that were not serving my highest good.  Overall 2023 has been a year of learning and coming back to what truly matters, and I am grateful.

Over this coming year I hope to share some of my insights with you (I have journaled along the way), start writing more often and begin to work again with wonderful clients like you.  I will keep you posted here, and in the meantime for 2024 wish you good health, appreciation for all those in your life that love you for exactly who you are,  to listen ALWAYS to your intuition, and to remember to take time for YOU.

With love,


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